Collaboration is the core of what we do

Welcome to Cellstate Biosciences, where your research aspirations become our shared mission. We forge close partnerships to tailor assays that precisely match your unique research needs. Whether you're tracking cellular changes that signal disease progression, uncovering key physiological pathways, or discerning the nuanced effects of therapeutic drugs, our collaborative approach is designed to bring clarity to your most complex questions.

Our commitment to innovation shines through in our core specialties: high-content screening, cell painting image-based immunoassays, and nuanced single-cell to whole-population data analysis. These areas of expertise are more than just services; they represent our journey in pushing the boundaries of scientific exploration.

What truly sets us apart is our dedication to precision. Each antibody we develop is a testament to our insistence on specificity and high avidity, ensuring that your assays deliver reliable and reproducible results. Our meticulous dye labeling process, using bespoke fluorophore mixtures, is tailored to maximize fluorescence intensity while ensuring distinct channel separation — essential for the high-fidelity multiplexed assays that have become a hallmark of our work.

Dive deeper into our scientific endeavors and see how our services can be integrated into your next project. [Explore Our Services] and start a conversation about your future discoveries.